Miscelaneous Equipment

We have collected some of our smaller subsea tools under this category, these tools may give you a helping hand in your operations.

ROV Subsea Marker is used for marking structures/items under water. It has excellent adhesion to any surface, and it is delivered with a fishtail ROV handle. It features an ROV operated twist housing that allows for fresh color to emerge when the marker is worn. Multiple colors are available, Red, Blue, Orange and Green.

ROV Subsea Measuring Sticks can be delivered in various lengths. Lengths are shown every 50 mm with numbers and every 10 mm with pointed edges. They take the guesswork out of finding dimensions subsea.

Subsea Jetter Nozzle is a universal cleaning nozzle that can be attached to any
subsea pump or waterjet. It is delivered with a fishtail handle and a protective POM tip in the front to avoid damaging the nozzle and scratching surfaces while cleaning.

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IKM Subsea